
How To Tag New Members On Facebook Group

When it comes to your Facebook groups, Should you welcome new members?

Now the main topic is really geared towards welcoming new members individually so I address that along with 2 other tips (that I think is a more effective strategy and makes way more sense).

Facebook Groups: Should You Welcome New Members?

I've collaborated with a couple of my marketing buddies, Kay and Jelena on a few different occasions to create various trainings and courses.  Although we get along great,  there are a few things that we have disagreements about (we're human like that!).  One of our differences is how we feel about welcoming new members to our group.

While they're welcoming each person individually with the biggest, warmest greetings, and posting their photos, I'm over in the corner shaking my head. It drives me crazy.

Of course they have their reasons. They feel that a welcome video or post will create more excitement and engagement (Isn't that what we so desperately want with our groups?!) Yes!

But, I have a totally different perspective.

Want my opinion?

Here's an example! In my primary, I once brought in over 75 people in a 45 day period. You can imagine how that group would look if post after post was "Welcome, Heather!" "Welcome, Ashley!" "Welcome, Jane!" Welcome! Welcome! Welcome!

Who would want to be a part of a group that's only about that? Where's the substance?

People want substance. They want value. I want my Facebook groups to have pure value, where members are engaging, creating posts, showing results, and where they're enjoying themselves. The "Welcome" posts would drown those out.

Keep in mind

This is a community, and people want to belong and feel at home. So, here's two ways to welcome them that won't bog down the content in your group but can still spotlight those new members.

#1 Create ONE "Welcome!" post that you can add to the "Announcements" section at the top of your Facebook group

With your pinned "Welcome!" post, you can include the rules of the group that teach people that they can tag and welcome new members in that one specific post.

When you do this, your wall will only consist of VALUE—creating rapport, and having fun without being bogged down by a million "Hi, I'm _______!"

And side note to my marketing buddies, Kay and Jelena: If you're reading this, you know I love you guys! lol

#2 Create a Welcome Post once per week where you're tagging all of the new members and welcoming in "groups of people"

Facebook now allows you to welcome all new members at once and they automatically tag them for you (less work for you).

This is a great alternative as well because if you want people to get excited and continue to see all of the new peeps hopping in your community, it still allows for this with 1 post per week versus the constant, steady stream of Welcome, Welcome, Welcome!

If you haven't already figured it out, it annoys the bajesus (is that even a word?) out of me!

Let me grab a couple of screenshots from one of our private FB groups for our customers and show you how to do this in two simple steps:

Once you're in your private FB Group, over on the right hand side, you'll see this image (FB constantly changes this so just look around if by some off chance they change it and place it somewhere else) letting you know how many NEW members you have, with the option to "Post" about it.

Then, once you click "Write Post" FB automatically auto populates the welcome post AND tags all of the new members at once!  What Whaaaat?!

More Resources:

If you have been running in circles doing the same thing getting nowhere fast, You NEED this guide! Inside I reveal the strategies behind attracting your dream audience vs. repelling.

Download Your FREE COPY HERE

Related Posts:

Types of Facebook Groups You Can Create

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The Tools I Use To Build My Business:

  • My Toolbox  – I have been asked quite a bit about what tools and resources I use, so I've put together this page just for you!  Enjoy 🙂

Was that helpful? If so, share this with your team so you can all be on the same page.

txt me @ 731-926-6412


Facebook: Sherri Brown Coaching

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P.S. Do ya feel a little all over the place and wish you had someone showing you step by step on how to create that solid foundation for your business that will allow you to actually stand out online?  If so, grab your 5 day FREE Trial to my exclusive membership program, the Mom's Marketing Lounge Here !

See Ya Next Time!

How To Tag New Members On Facebook Group


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